Monday, May 15, 2006

First Sighting

First Sighting of a Brent Goose this weekend - on the headland between Newquay and Cei Bach. This is a great spot for bird watching and is the place we see new wildlife first on a regular basis .

From the rarely spotted to the common but still one of the most attractive and distinctive birds on the Mid Wales shorelines - not to mention the loudest and beautiful birds - Oyster Catchers

These were taken just outside Aberystwyth in early May 06.

Some of the other beach wildlife we don't particularly want to get up close and personal with this summer - I'm not sure whether these are Moon or Lions Mane Jelly fish

Spring is probably the best time of the year to be walking in Mid Wales or anywhere for that matter. The birds are busy nesting whilst Flowers in the lanes like these Bluebells make walking something to really look forward to.

Spotted Orchid


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